German National Day of Commemoration for Refugees and Victims of Forced Displacement in Berlin

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the German government commemorated the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Refugees and Forced Displacement (Gedenktag für die Opfer von Flucht und Vertreibung 2023) for the ninth time with a memorial hour in Berlin.
With this day of remembrance, the refugees and victims of forced displacement worldwide and in particular the German displaced persons have been commemorated annually on June 20 since 2015.
The German Federal Ministry of Interior has invited Abdulaziz Ramadan (Xoşewîst), the founder and CEO of DOZ e.V. to give a 10 minutes speech in this day in Berlin.
After a welcome by the Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, Nancy Faeser, there followed a reading by the author Christiane Hoffmann and an experience report by Abdulaziz Ramadan (Xoşewîst), author, founder & managing director of DOZ e. V.. The President of the Federation of Forced Displaced People, Dr. Bernd Fabritius, gave the closing speech.
Some of the words by Abdulaziz Ramadan in International Day of Refugees and Victims of forced displacement:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
No one leaves their home for no reason. No one wants to leave their home, their memories and their family behind. No one wants their family to be torn apart.
Every person who flees because of natural disasters or warlike conflicts is forced to look elsewhere for a peaceful and safe place for themselves and their children.
There are countless stories like mine that are told or untold. Each person who has had to leave their home has their own story. Some of them have found a new place, while others have lost their way in search of a new home.
Their stories may have been lost, but not forgotten.
Today we are here to remember them.
You can watch speeches on the website of minisrty of Interior here