Sharaka Project – Fallujah, Iraq

Project Summary and Goal
Fallujah Youth and activists to promote cohesion and inclusion ” Sharaka شراكة” project works to achieve active participation of young men and women in Fallujah from activists as well as from returning and affected families with the aim of reducing and preventing violent extremism and in line with the recommendations of the Fallujah Action Plan to Prevent Violent Extremism (Third and Fifth Recommendation) Which aims to enhance social cohesion, increase youth participation in community issues related to preventing violent extremism, and improve positive response to safe return. For target groups:
- Young activists (male and female).
- Young people (male and female) who have recently returned.
- Representatives of the local community.
- Representatives of the affected families.
The overall objective of the project: to improve and increase the participation of active young men and women from the local community in Fallujah and from returning families and empower them to promote community dialogues and design community peace initiatives to prevent violent extremism.
Project Partners
Results Under This Project
- Empowering the capacities of youth activists (male and female) and who have recently returned to improve their effective participation in preventing violent extremism, improving the positive community response to return, and strengthening social cohesion in Fallujah.
- Improving the awareness and response of members of the host community and returnee families in Fallujah, with the participation of representatives of the government and the local community, with the aim of identifying needs through dialogues facilitated by young men and women to ensure acceptance of returnees, improve community response to return and integration, and enhance social cohesion, thus preventing violent extremism.
- Improving policies and procedures to enable and support effective community participation of youth and women in preventing and reducing violent extremism in a sustainable manner and in promoting social cohesion and community acceptance of returning families and ensuring their inclusion e in Fallujah.
- Designing and developing two community initiatives to prevent violent extremism, with the participation of activists from young men and women and returning families, using art and sports tools, with the aim of promoting community peace, accepting returnees, and preventing violent extremism.
Activities Implemented Under This Project
First Capacity Building Workshop on PVE in Fallujah
On Friday and Saturday, October 20-21, 2023, a training workshop for a group of activists and youth from the Returnees’ families was implemented. The title of this capacity building was (Tools for Preventing Violent Extremism to facilitate dialogues and community initiatives in Fallujah).
The first day of the workshop included introducing participants to the concepts of extremism, violent extremism, and terrorism and the most prominent differences and types, in addition to addressing the concepts in their international and national context, in addition to preventing violent extremism and its mechanisms.
On the second day, the workshop included empowering participants with a set of tools for preventing violent extremism with the aim of improving their involvement, with a focus on facilitating dialogues and designing community initiatives that aim to prevent and enhance the resilience of the Fallujah community by improving the involvement of young men and women in designing initiatives and facilitating dialogues upon their return and integration in Fallujah.
The “Sharakah” project comes as a step to strengthen bridges of communication with the local government with the aim of improving the involvement of young men and women in Fallujah in order to enhance efforts to prevent violent extremism, in addition to making society more aware and capable of identifying its needs and more effective in efforts to enhance social cohesion.

Second Capacity Building Workshop on PVE in Fallujah
With support from IOM, and within the framework of the Civil Society Fund – Wasl, and in partnership with the Doz International Organization, Shakoufyan Organization for Development and Culture “Sodac” within the “Sharaka” project implemented the third training workshop for 16 local community activists and young men and women from families who recently returned to Fallujah in Anbar Governorate. The workshop lasted for two days, October 27-28, 2023, and focused on tools for preventing violent extremism and facilitating community dialogues and initiatives in Fallujah, in addition to introducing the local action plan to prevent violent extremism for Fallujah, as well as enhancing the involvement of young men and women and local community activists in efforts. Sustainably reduce violent extremism.

Third Capacity Building Workshop on PVE in Fallujah
The third training workshop for a group of activists and returning young men and women in Fallujah district was entitled (Tools for preventing violent extremism and facilitating dialogues and community initiatives in Fallujah).
The first day of the workshop included introducing participants to the concepts of extremism, violent extremism, and terrorism and the most prominent differences and types, in addition to addressing the concepts in their international and national context, in addition to preventing violent extremism and its mechanisms. On the second day, the workshop included empowering participants with a set of tools for preventing violent extremism with the aim of improving their involvement, with a focus on facilitating dialogues and designing community initiatives that aim to prevent and enhance the resilience of the Fallujah community by improving the involvement of young men and women in designing initiatives and facilitating dialogues at some stage. After return and integration. In addition to reviewing the local action plan to prevent violent extremism in Fallujah, which was prepared within the framework of the Wasl Fund in cooperation with the local government in Anbar and Fallujah district.
The “Sharakah” project comes as a step to strengthen bridges of communication with the local government with the aim of improving the involvement of young men and women in Fallujah in order to enhance efforts to prevent violent extremism, in addition to making society more aware and capable of identifying its needs and more effective in efforts to enhance social cohesion.